DIY Cleaning Hacks: 10 Quick & Easy Tips

4 min readDec 14, 2020


Sometimes it is tough to find a good cleaning service provider in Kuwait. So, here’s an elite of cleaning hacks for those of us hoping to spare time, cash, and obviously, mental soundness.

1. Buff surfaces with olive oil

Olive oil has numerous dietary advantages (and can expand life span). Turns out it can likewise help you clean the house.

“Olive oil is an incredible choice for cleaning treated steel, for example, pots, containers, and machines. Put olive oil on a delicate fabric and focus on a round movement to buff out any grimy spots,” says Mat Franken, CEO, and Founder of Aunt Fannie’s, a maker of entire fixing, food-based cleaning, and nuisance answers for the home.

2. Detox the waste disposal with lemons or limes

The waste disposal does a great deal of messy work consistently, so it’s critical to keep it clean and obstruct free.

“To clean and aerate waste disposals, utilize a new lemon or lime,” says Franken. “Cut the citrus natural product into quarters, and keeping in mind that you have the water running put the lemon pieces individually into the removal.”

3. Lemon oil is a characteristic degreaser for the broiler

“Notwithstanding its aroma benefits, the lemon fundamental oil is an extraordinary degreaser and can be an amazing apparatus to eliminate obstinate oil stains normally,” says Rogers.

“Shower a combination of one cup water, one cup vinegar, and lemon fundamental oil onto your burner and just wipe clean. For harder stains, sprinkle preparing soft drink first, at that point splash and wipe. You can utilize a similar strategy to clean your broiler — which will help forestall kitchen fires — a considerable lot of which are brought about by oil.”

4. Take out water stains with shaving cream

Who’d have felt that shaving cream could be utilized to clean? Shepard vouches for it as an incredible method to eliminate water stains from shower glass.

“Apply the shaving cream and let it sit for 15 minutes, at that point clear off,” Shepard says.

5. Preparing pop and vinegar will fundamentally clean the tub for you

Jenice Findley, head of showcasing at the recently dispatched Fins Property Maintenance, which offers different business cleaning administrations, suggests the accompanying 10-minute arrangement of assault for tubs.

“[Mix] one cup vinegar, a large portion of some heating soft drink with high temp water and fill [an empty] tub and permit to sit for five minutes,” says Findley. “Begin filling the tub with heated water until it is roughly one-quarter filled, and let it sit for an extra five minutes. At that point discharge channel and wash altogether.”

6. Utilize similar answer for clean latrines

You can utilize a similar mixture to spruce up your latrine, Findley notes. Just let it drench for somewhat, at that point flush and wipe the seat.

7. Basic oils for a shining latrine

Doyle James, leader of Mr. Rooter Plumbing, a Neighborly organization, suggests utilizing basic oils in a DIY latrine cleaner.

“Blend one cup of heating soft drink in with 15 drops of tea tree basic oil and 15 drops of lemon or orange basic oil. Allow the blend to sit in the bowl for 30 minutes and clean with a bowl brush prior to flushing.”

8. A DIY fragrant healing cleaning answer for sparkling sinks and tubs

James likewise prescribes getting your sink or tub to sparkle by blending preparing pop, drops of lemon and basil basic oils, and dish cleanser. “Wipe the blend on the outside of your bath and restroom sink for 10 minutes. Subsequent to ascending off with water, [they] will be shimmering.”

9. Steam the microwave with lemon oil

You can likewise utilize fundamental oils to clean the microwave.

“Add 15 drops of lemon fundamental oil into one and a half cups water to a microwave-safe bowl, and microwave on high for five to 10 minutes, permitting the steam to consolidate on inside dividers/roofs of your machine,” says Doug Rogers, leader of Mr. Machine, a Neighborly organization. “When complete, basically wipe away the relaxed food with a wipe.”

10. Nuke a clammy wipe

Another approach to clean your microwave is by putting a clean, hosed wipe or material on the plate and set it on high for two minutes.

“This will eliminate microscopic organisms,” says Jennifer Rodriguez, boss cleanliness official at Pro Housekeepers. “At that point use wipe or fabric to wipe down the microwave.”

