7 Important Tips to Avoid Insects in Your Home

5 min readDec 15, 2021


There are many ways and tips that are offered to people to help them get rid of insects safely and quickly and reduce the risk of insects in the house in a final way, but people are always looking for the best advice and the best ways to help them get rid of insects in the house without harming anything in the house and without affecting on the health of any member of the family and without affecting the environment in general, so we will provide you with the best 7 important tips to avoid insects in the home, which are as follows:

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Good cleaning under beds and sofas

One of the most common places in which insects such as cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquitoes, and other insects are under beds and sofas due to the humidity of the air below these places and due to the difficulty of cleaning well under beds, sofas, etc., so insects find a pleasant, fertile and moist environment that helps them grow, live and reproduce below these places which are difficult to reach by a human.

Therefore, we advise all housewives who want to get rid of insects permanently to the need for good cleaning under beds, sofas, and others, with the need to put some tree leaves that help you broadcast a distinctive smell inside these places to get rid of unpleasant odors and at the same time work to expel insects and get rid of them inside These places are permanently, quickly and safely without affecting the health of any member of the family. For example, we put some basil tree leaves or other herbs that emit a distinctive smell and have a strong effect on insects.

Ensure that the windows of the house are tightly closed

The main reason for the infiltration of insects inside the house is to leave windows, entrances, exits, and balconies open, as it causes a disaster in the ease of entry of insects into the house with ease and without any effort, and without any hardship. Continuous availability of food.

Therefore, it is necessary to constantly secure the tightness of closing windows, windows, doors, and balconies, especially when you are on the ground floors or when they are surrounded by tree branches that these insects use to infiltrate your home with ease, whether insects, reptiles or mice, which represent an unnatural source of inconvenience to the people of the house, which makes The people of the house do not have fun while spending their time inside the house and it makes them feel anxious, disturbed and constantly stressed.

مكافحة آفات الكويت في الكويت هي قضية رئيسية للمقيمين أو الزوار. لكن الآفات موجودة دائمًا لإخافتك في أيام الصيف لتحدي الصبر والبقاء. وذلك لأن الصيف في الكويت شديد الحرارة . يوجد في الواقع الكثير من شركات مكافحة الآفات في الكويت على استعداد لخدمتك عندما تطلب مساعدتهم.

When emphasizing that all windows are closed well, it is preferable to put some cinnamon leaves that help to expel these insects as soon as they approach the windows of the house, while ensuring a distinctive smell inside the house as a result of these papers and as a result of their exposure to the air behind the windows and windows.

Attention to the cleanliness of the surroundings of the house

When the environment surrounding the house is unclean and there are pools of water or swamps, garbage, and other resources that attract insects, reptiles, and mice, the house is constantly threatened by the entry of these insects and their infiltration into the house due to the attempt of these insects to search for a safe place to form their nest and to reproduce and escape from the vagaries of the weather In the curiosity of the four-year year, especially when the house is surrounded by a garden.

It is necessary to constantly ensure that this garden is cleaned and sprayed with some insecticides that prevent insects from reaching the house and to ensure that this garden is free of insects, reptiles, and rodents, or plant some trees that emit distinctive aromatic odors and at the same time expel insects and get rid of them as soon as they approach.

Therefore, some insects that repel mosquitoes, shrews, and mosquitoes must be planted before they approach the garden, such as basil, mint, aloe vera, neem mosquitoes, and other plants that repel and confront mosquitoes, shrews, and some other insects. It affects people directly.

Make sure to seal holes and cracks in the walls of the house

Some insects live inside holes, cracks, and cracks that are found in the corners of the house or on the wall or on the foundations of the house because these insects find inside these holes, cracks and crack a very fertile environment that is very safe for them to live and reproduce, with the confirmation by these insects of the difficulty of human access to these Holes and encounters these insects.

Therefore, all holes, cracks, and cracks must be sealed by applying some quantities of cement or white gypsum that will permanently seal these cracks to ensure that insects are not present inside them again.

Ensure that there are no water leaks

You must constantly check the plumbing in the house and make sure that there are no water leaks inside the house because the leaks and their accumulation lead to the spread of fungi, bacteria, parasites, and the green rim, which is an attractive food source for these insects, so these insects run to these places to make sure that enough food is provided, These places are also a comfortable and fertile environment for these insects due to the spread of moisture in these places, which is what these insects prefer to live and reproduce in. Therefore, it must be emphasized that no water is leaked inside or outside the house.

Trash cleaning

Of course, the trash in the house carries waste and food remnants inside, so leaving it for a while causes bacteria to increase and germs to grow, which attracts insects to it very much to try to get enough food for them, which insects prefer, as insects are always looking for dirty places that take their environment They are good to live in, get food from and reproduce, so it is necessary to make sure that the trash in the house is clean on a daily basis so as not to allow any chance for these insects to live inside the house.

Put black peppercorns

People always resort to storing winter clothes or the best of summer until it is separated under beds or inside cupboards, which causes insects to infiltrate and live inside them. Therefore, it is necessary to put some black peppercorns that emit a pungent smell that represents a nuisance to these insects, and these insects escape from This pungent smell is fast.

We have come to the end of the article, hoping that we have provided 7 important tips to avoid insects in your home in order to help the housewife of every home to get rid of the final, fast and safe from insects, and we thank you for visiting the site and thank you for taking the time to read the article.

